
Ownership of Materials

Trademark Information

Copyright Information

Rights and Permissions

Piracy Prevention

Software Piracy

Software Asset Management

Report Piracy

Internet Piracy

Infobank's Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy

Feedback and Information

Warranties and Disclaimers

Legal Contacts


The materials ("Materials") contained in Infobank Computer, Inc's ("Infobank") web sites are provided by Infobank and may be used for informational purposes only. By downloading any of the Materials contained in any of Infobank's sites, you agree to the terms and provisions as outlined in this legal notice. If you do not agree to them, do not use this site or download Materials.

Ownership of Materials

The information contained in this site is copyrighted and may not be distributed, modified, reproduced in whole or in part without the prior written permission of Infobank Computer, Inc. The images from this site may not be reproduced in any form without the prior advance written consent of Infobank Computer, Inc.

Trademark Information

For a list of Infobank's trademarks and service marks, refer to the Infobank Trademark List.

Use of the "keyboard" Infobank Logo or Infobank MenuBar for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Infobank may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Use of Infobank trademarks may be prohibited, unless expressly authorized. See Infobank Web Badges, Guidelines for Using Infobank Trademarks and Copyrights, and Software Licensing Programs for details.

For More Information

Infobank Trademark List
Infobank Web Badges
Guidelines for Using Infobank Trademarks and Copyrights

Infobank Licensing


Copyright Information

A copyright is a property right in an original work of authorship. Copyright is recognized in most countries of the world by statutory copyright laws.

Copyright exists in the expression of an idea, but not the idea itself. Copyrightable expressions can take many forms but are usually categorized as literary, musical, dramatic, pantomime and choreography, pictorial, graphic, sculptural, computer programs, motion pictures, and sound recordings.

To obtain permission to use Infobank copyrighted materials, please refer to Rights and Permissions below.

To report claims of copyright infringement, refer to Claims of Copyright Infringement. please

Rights and Permissions

If you have any questions concerning the usage or licensing of Infobank copyrighted materials, for example, photographs, video footage, Infobank advertisements or other Infobank materials, please submit your detailed request in writing. Please be sure to include any surrounding copy or text to the Infobank material.

Requests may be emailed to, faxed to Rights and Permissions at 617-747-4251, or mailed to Infobank Computer, Attention: Rights and Permissions, po 1922, brookline, ma. 02446 The Rights and Permissions telephone hotline number is

Piracy Prevention

Infobank actively and aggressively enforces its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law. Infobank works closely with the Software Publishers Association (SPA) and the Business Software Alliance (BSA) to combat software piracy worldwide.

Software Piracy

Software piracy (the illegal copying of software programs) is a worldwide problem--more than $11 billion is lost to piracy every year! Because software is valuable, and it is easy to create an exact copy of a program from a single computer, software piracy is widespread.

The illegal copying of software programs is a crime! In the United States and many other countries, copyright law provides for severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material. Copyrighted material includes, but is not limited to, computer programs and accompanying sounds, images and text. Under U.S. law, infringement may result in civil damages of up to $150,000 and/or criminal penalties of up to five years imprisonment and/or a $250,000 fine.

Please join Infobank in its piracy prevention efforts. You can report incidents of software piracy from this site at Report Piracy. Also, you can help your business avoid serious problems with sound software asset management practices as explained in the section below.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

Software Asset Management

It is important to manage software well, just as you would any other valuable company asset, in order to avoid serious problems. Infobank aggressively enforces our company's proprietary rights under the U.S. copyright laws, but we know that poor software asset management often keeps people from complying with the law.

For more information and tools to help your business by practicing sound software asset management practices, please refer to the BSA ( and/or the SIIA ( web sites for further guidance and information.

Report Piracy

United States

To report suspected piracy of Infobank software in the U.S., please contact Infobank at

You may also report suspected piracy of Infobank software in the U.S. to SPA Anti-Piracy (SPA), a division of the Software Information Industry Association (SIIA) by calling 1-800-388-7478 or report online from SIIA's web site located at Infobank is a member of the SIIA.

Canada and International

To report software piracy outside of the U.S., please contact the Business Software Alliance (BSA) and report online from BSA's web site located at Infobank is a worldwide member of the BSA.

Internet Piracy

To report any site illegally distributing Infobank software, please contact Infobank directly at

Infobank's Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy

Infobank or any of its employees do not accept or consider unsolicited ideas, including ideas for new advertising campaigns, new promotions, new or improved products or technologies,product enhancements, processes, materials, marketing plans or new product names. Please do not send any original creative artwork, suggestions or other works. The sole purpose of this policy is to avoid potential misunderstandings or disputes when Infobank's products or marketing strategies might seem similar to ideas submitted to Infobank. So, please do not send your unsolicited ideas to Infobank or anyone at Infobank. If, despite our request that you not send us your ideas, you still send them, then regardless of what your letter says, the following terms shall apply to your idea submission.

You agree that: (1) your ideas will automatically become the property of Infobank, without compensation to you, and (2) Infobank can use the ideas for any purpose and in any way, even give them to others.

Infobank does, however, welcome your feedback regarding many areas of Infobank's existing business. If you want to send us your feedback, and we hope you do, we simply request that you send it to us using the form found at, or you can choose from the many other listed areas for your feedback. Please provide only specific feedback on Infobank's existing products or marketing strategies; do not include any ideas that Infobank's policy will not permit it to accept or consider. It's just one more way that Infobank can learn how to best satisfy your needs.

Software and Documentation Information

Use of the software from this site is subject to the software license terms set forth in an Infobank Computer, Inc. Software License. The software license agreement is available for review whenever software is downloaded at this site.

Any person is hereby authorized to: a) store documentation on a single computer for personal use only and b) print copies of documentation for personal use provided that the documentation contains Infobank's copyright notice.

Third Party Companies and Products
Mention of third-party products, companies and web sites on the Infobank web site is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Infobank assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance or use of these products or vendors. Infobank provides this only as a convenience to our users. Infobank has not tested any software found on these sites and makes no representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software found there. There are dangers inherent in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Infobank assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products. Make sure that you completely understand the risks before retrieving any software on the Internet. All third party products must be ordered directly from the vendor, and all licenses and warranties, if any, take place between you and the vendor.

Links to Other Web Sites
Infobank makes no representation whatsoever regarding the content of any other web sites which you may access from the Infobank web site. When you access a non-Infobank web site, please understand that it is independent from Infobank and that Infobank has no control over the content on that web site. A link to a non-Infobank web site does not mean that Infobank endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of such web site.

Feedback and Information

Any feedback you provide at this site shall be deemed to be non-confidential. Infobank shall be free to use such information on an unrestricted basis.

Warranties and Disclaimers

Infobank Computer, Inc. intends for the information and data contained in the Infobank web site to be accurate and reliable, however, since the information and data have been compiled by Infobank from a variety of sources, it is provided "as is." INFOBANK EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER RELATING TO OR REFERENCED BY THE INFOBANK WEB SITE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON INFRINGEMENT.

Infobank provides access to Infobank international data and, therefore, may contain references or cross references to Infobank products, programs and services that are not announced in your country. Such reference does not imply that Infobank in your country intends to announce such products, programs or services.

Legal Contacts

If you have any questions concerning the usage or licensing of Infobank trademarks, contact the Trademark department by at 617-747-4251 or by phone at 617-747-4251
If you have any questions concerning licensing of Infobank trademarks, contact the Patent department by email at

If you have any questions concerning the usage or licensing of Infobank copyrighted materials, contact the Rights and Permissions/Copyright department by email at mailto:copyright@infobank.comor by phone at 617-747-4251.

Claims of Copyright Infringement:
Infobank is registered with the United States Copyright Office as a Service Provider (refer to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 17 USC 512). Notifications of claimed copyright infringement should be submitted to Infobank's Copyright Agent.

Piracy Prevention:
For more information regarding software piracy, software asset management or to report suspected piracy of Infobank software, contact the Piracy Prevention/copyright department at

The information contained in this web site is subject to change without notice.
Copyright © 1997-2002 Infobank Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Infobank Computer, po 1922, brookline, ma. USA.

Updated by The Infobank Legal Team on 9/05/02